If you’ve visited Paces Lane recently, you probably noticed some changes to the headings. As much as I love planning events (and I really DO love it!) one of my main passions is helping people in general. I love sharing what I’ve learned, what’s working for me, what recipes i’m making, how i’m keeping to a budget on a non fixed income, etc!

I’ve separated this blog into to parts that follow under my mantra, “Live Life. Have Fun.” So many times I get caught up in the trying to live life that I can forget to have fun! It can be so easy to get bogged down by paying bills or complaining about your job that can be a roller coaster of a relationship. Finding balance is hard. But hopefully this site will help you find that balance and remember life is not just a cycle of working to pay bills. We are here to enjoy it! Every morning we should wake up, get done what *NEEDS* to be done and celebrate the rest of our day! And I write needs like that because sometimes it is VERY hard to differentiate between what needs to get done and what we think needs to get done.

Under Live Life you will find tools and tricks to help organize and get life’s nitty gritty accomplished. I find budgeting to be so important in life and I can not wait to share with you all of the things I’ve learned to set up a budget, keep to a budget, plan for the future, get out of debt, and more! I will also talk more about “side hustles” including how I turned my side hustle into my full time job! And we will tackle those thoughts that stop those thoughts in our head such as anxiety, stress, and feeling overwhelmed.

Once we get that living life under control, which can be hard to do (but we will get there) it’s time to Have Fun! My favorite part! Here you will find party planning tips, travel planning, all the wedding planning information is still there, and I will be adding so much more! The last thing I want is to be 90 years old and regretting about how I worried about doing the dishes instead of enjoying the sunset with my partner. It’s time to make that bucket list and start checking things off. My adventure journal is getting delivered in the mail today and I can not wait to start writing down my FUN life goals.
I hope you will follow along and I hope you find resources here that help you live your life to the fullest.
Have a fun day!