How familiar is this sight?

We are so used to only setting an alarm for the dreaded morning wake up call. Many alarms are set for 15 minute intervals between 6 am and 9 am trying to get themselves out of bed.
I am sure every one of us has gone down the IG/Pinterest/Wiki/*insert any app or website here* rabbit hole more times than we would like to admit. We look up and realize we just wasted 30 minutes of our day looking at nothing important but we can’t find 30 minutes in our day for self care, the gym, cooking a healthy dinner. I think it’s time to have a better relationship with our alarms, and use them for the best…PRODUCTIVITY.

Yes, this is my actual alarm clock for today! I always have my to do list going, as well as an agenda with hours in my day, but just writing an item next to an hour doesn’t always mean I will keep to it. I realized I needed to just sit down and work for 45 minutes. If I focused, I knew I could cross something off my list and start working on the next project. That’s when I started setting my alarm for the DAY TIME. I block off my tasks by time and how long I need to spend on each item. By 1:45 today, I want to accomplish 2 items on my to do list. I will take a break till 2 PM, and then I will start on the next task until 3:15.

Come 5PM, that is my alarm for the day. If you work from home or for yourself, you know how easy it is to work until everyone is home, it’s dinner time, or until you go to bed. But that is not a healthy way to grow your company! Sometimes you need to put in extra hours, but you need time for yourself to rest and let your creative juices. Today, I am shutting down at 5 PM like the “average” worker. (Sure, I will get a notification that someone has a question and I will respond, but I am stepping away from my computer.)
Who’s willing to give it a try? It only takes a few minutes in the beginning of your day to figure out what you want to accomplish, how long they will take, and set it up. You’ll find you’re able to keep focused on your tasks more easily because you know there is a break coming up! And when your phone starts buzzing, its time to stop, take a break, and move on to the next item on your list.
I hope this helps you keep organized and productive!